Detailers Warehouse | 550gsm | Grey Edgeless Microfiber Towel
Our Edgeless 550 GSM towels are our plushest towels! These towels features two plush sides that are very soft and gentle. They are safe to use on all surfaces of your car.
These towels really excel when used with spray detailers, waterless washes or spray maintenance products. The plush high pile on these towels wrap around and pull dirt and grime away from the surface and into the towel, preventing any scratches. They also work well at removing wax, sealant and polish residue. Use these towels when you want a soft and gentle towel. Not recommended for coating removal.
When we set out to create our new series of microfiber towels, we knew we had to create high quality microfiber towels that would meet the needs of professional detailers every time they reached for one! To accomplish this we needed towels that would be consistent from order to order. And this proved to be a bigger challenge than we anticipated!
When we started this process we began by testing a lot of different towels, but the first batch of samples never really matched the second or third set we received. The consistency just wasn`t there. So we decided to do things a little different! We decided more control over the manufacturing process was needed so we set out to accomplish that.
We start with the purchase of bulk polyester. We then have it spun and cleaned into grade AA yarn which is chemically split. From there, we rent time on a loom and weave the yarn, to our specifications, into rolls of microfiber. These rolls of microfiber are then sent to our dye house where we only use high quality German dyes that don`t bleed. After dying, the rolls of microfiber are Ultra Sonic Cut on company owned machines into the finished towels you receive. Now, two years after beginning this project, we can ensure every batch of towels you purchase from us will be the consistent time and time again!
It may sound like a lot of work, and it was, but we felt this dedication was necessary to create a series of towels you can continually count on! If you give these towels a try (and we know you`ll like them) you can rest easy that your next order of towels will be identical to the ones you purchased previously!